Christmas Party Nights

Christmas party nights 2024

event reservations

Home > 2021 Christmas Party Reservations

reserve your 2021 christmas party!

If you are interested in attending one of our 2021 Christmas Party Nights, please fill out the reservation form below. Our events team will contact you  to finalize your booking. For private Christmas parties, please contact a member of our team. You can view our private Christmas Party options here

** Please Note: Your booking is not secure until a member of our team contacts you and your group deposit is taken.

Selected Value: 10

covid-19 event guidelines


The tourism and hospitality sectoral guidelines, aligned with the Work Safely Protocol, have been developed collaboratively to assist businesses to apply guidance to their operations. The guidelines are informed by the latest Government public health advice and related regulations. 

The guidelines are regularly updated by Fáilte Ireland to reflect Government Public Health advice and related regulations. 

This includes any further guidance that is given following work by the Health Protection Surveillance Centre & National Public Health Emergency Team on the application of the existing social distancing requirements in specific, defined and controlled environments in the hospitality industry during periods of low incidence of the disease. 


Indoor service in bars and restaurants has reopened.

To access indoor service, you must show proof that you are fully vaccinated or have recovered from COVID-19 in the past 6 months. Children under 18 who are dining with you do not need proof of vaccination or recovery.

You can use an EU COVID Digital Certificate (DCC) or a HSE vaccination record as proof. You need to have identification to show that the proof of vaccination or recovery belongs to you.

Read about the types of documents that are accepted.